Faith Formation

Cindy Buckland - Faith Formation Director
651-436-7817   •

Faith Formation

St. Francis of Assisi Faith Formation and Confirmation classes are held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 7:45 pm.Throughout the school year the entire Faith Formation program participates in large group, community building activities. Live Rosary, Advent, Ash Wednesday Mass, Reconciliation during Lent, Live Stations of the Cross and a Passover Seder meal. Families are invited and encouraged to attend. Again this year, we are opening our doors for supper at 5:30 with opportunity for FREE TIME before Faith Formation begins. Parents are welcome to join their children for supper. Menues will be FlockNoted each week, cost of each meal is $3.00 per person. We have games, tables for quiet homework time or just plain old fun running in the yard.


Our primary means of communication between church and home will be through emails. Any class cancellations, announcements, upcoming events, special programs and other Faith Formation information will be posted in an email from the Faith Formation Coordinator. If you do not have email, please let us know and we can make other arrangements.


Grades 1 and 3-5 will be using the DISCOVER program from Saint Mary's Press. Look for the backpacks!

First Reconciliation/Eucharist will be using GO SEEK FIND also from Saint Mary's Press

Grades 6, 7 & 8 will begin using Catholic Connections from Saint Mary's Press.

NEW this year, Confirmation will be using Anointed in the Spirit also by Saint Mary's Press.


We want to provide a Christian atmosphere where students, staff and catechists can witness the basic law of Christ - LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The guiding principle for Christian conduct is RESPECT

Home Based Faith Formation

Home study children are encouraged to attend communal events and retreat days throughout the year. If a home study family chooses to use our text and follow our curriculum, we will make the text books available to you.

Parents Roles & Responsibilities

Parent's are the primary religious educators of their children. Parent's are expected to attend Mass each weekend with their child. Children do as they see, not as they are told. Know that your continued interest, involvement,  and prayers do influence your child's perception of what the Christian life is all about.


Creative prayer is stressed at all grade levels. However, it is important that each child know traditional Catholic prayers and experience the use of prayer in the home. Parents are asked to assist their children in memorizing prayers required for their grade level. 


Tuition per child is $60.00. Tuition for second grade, First Reconciliation/Eucharist is a total of $100.00 per child. Confirmation is also $100.00 which includes their retreat to the ARC in the early Spring. 

No child from St. Francis of Assisi Parish will be denied an education because of inability to pay tuition. If a family needs assistance, Tuition Assistance forms are available at registration time or through the Parish Office.