Liturgical Ministries

These are brief descriptions of the various liturgical ministries available at St. Francis of Assisi. If you are new to the community or would like the opportunity to get involved in something new or different, please consider committing yourself to one or more of our ministry opportunities.

Click here for the sign-up form. Return it to the parish office and you will then be contacted for training. If you have any questions, please call Fr. Mark at the parish office, 651-436-7817.

Liturgical Ministry Opportunities

Hospitality Minister (Usher) - men and women, boys and girls who greet and seat people as they enter the Church, monitor the needs of the assembly, assist with the collection and distribute materials at the end of Mass. This is an excellent ministry opportunity for a family. The ministry requires training and a disposition that is friendly and helpful.

Usher Coordinator: Lisa Tetzlaff

Altar Server - boys and girls who assist the presider (priest) during Mass. This ministry is open to those in the fourth grade and older. Moms and Dads can get in on this one too...this is a wonderful opportunity for a child and parent to minister together. The child and parent would serve Mass together. This requires training and reverence for what happens during Mass.

Lector - men and women of high school age and older, who proclaim the Word of God during Mass and other liturgical celebrations. This requires training in projecting one's voice and proclaiming the Scriptures clearly and distinctly.

Eucharistic Minister - men and women of high school age and older, who distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at the Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. This requires training and a reverance for the Eucharist.

Eucharistic Minister Coordinators: Ab & Cathy Rahimi
Ab (
Cathy (

Music Ministry Opportunities

The St. Francis Choir - men and women of high school age and older, who sing at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday as well as other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. The choir sings a wide variety of music, from traditional to contemporary Catholic to African-American and White Gospel music, world music and anthems. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 8:00, September thru May.

Instrumentalist - this is an excellent opportunity for students and adults to play your instrument at Mass. Parishioners can enhance worship in a variey of ways: accompanying the Psalm or other ritual music, playing an obligato, duos, solos, etc.

Lynn Dewall